White Pine Ridge: Fertile Life Blog

Your Soul: Why Fertility Awareness-Based Method...

I've found that there is so much depth in theology on the topic of the body. Though I've just scratched the surface of the depth of the elegant design which...

Your Soul: Why Fertility Awareness-Based Method...

I've found that there is so much depth in theology on the topic of the body. Though I've just scratched the surface of the depth of the elegant design which...

Advocating for Yourself and Your Baby

When you receive a diagnosis, I urge you to do the following: With the provider issuing the diagnosis: Record for yourself the methodology by which diagnosis was made, and what...

Advocating for Yourself and Your Baby

When you receive a diagnosis, I urge you to do the following: With the provider issuing the diagnosis: Record for yourself the methodology by which diagnosis was made, and what...

Your Relationship: Why Fertility Awareness-Base...

I posit that clear communication, alignment of values, and respect are the 3 pillars of a good relationship. I use these same 3 when I approach any discussion, whether that's at work,...

Your Relationship: Why Fertility Awareness-Base...

I posit that clear communication, alignment of values, and respect are the 3 pillars of a good relationship. I use these same 3 when I approach any discussion, whether that's at work,...

Your Body: Why Fertility Awareness-Based Method...

The sell on hormonal birth control products was that it would empower women by allowing them to easily and surely postpone pregnancy, regardless of their sexual habits. In few areas...

Your Body: Why Fertility Awareness-Based Method...

The sell on hormonal birth control products was that it would empower women by allowing them to easily and surely postpone pregnancy, regardless of their sexual habits. In few areas...

Self-Study: Starting to Deep-Dive

When I say "Learn what our ancestors knew, and what the fertility industry doesn't want you to know," I hope you understand that means that it doesn't take a degree,...

Self-Study: Starting to Deep-Dive

When I say "Learn what our ancestors knew, and what the fertility industry doesn't want you to know," I hope you understand that means that it doesn't take a degree,...

Ditch Rhythm Method Thinking

The biggest misconception with Fertility Awareness is that it is the same as the Rhythm Method. This is FALSE. The Rhythm Method assumes that ovulation occurs on the same cycle...

Ditch Rhythm Method Thinking

The biggest misconception with Fertility Awareness is that it is the same as the Rhythm Method. This is FALSE. The Rhythm Method assumes that ovulation occurs on the same cycle...